ERP System Dedicated to Services and Process Production
iScala Light
iScala Light
Epicor ERP iScala - JPK
Epicor ERP iScala - JPK
iScala Epicor ERP this is totally integrated management support system that is in use in middle size production, trade and service companies. iScala Epicor ERP includes functionality package, which meets needs of even much extended business enterprise companies. Financial Management, Production, Service Management, Logistic, Supplying Chain Management (SCM), Analyses and Reports, Contract Management, Project Management, Customers Relationships Management (CRM), they are names of particular modules of iScala Epicor ERP system.

Software of iScala Epicor ERP system combined itself functions that are typical for different countries and variety of available languages with the best functions operate within global business models, regarding many companies or many plants, which do require cooperation with customers, suppliers, sister-companies and other partners, aimed to achieve operative and business perfection. Thanks to special ready to use functions, software of iScala Epicor ERP helps business enterprise companies to achieve advantage over competitors at the field of: chemical and pharmacy industry, electro-machinery industry, designing, electronic, car components, packed consumption articles and hotels industry.
Companies are able to standardized processes in certain company’s operate units and branches in base of centralized or pre-configured software model of iScala Epicor ERP, remaining anyway the same localization place and the language that is characteristic for certain plant in each country. No matter what model is chosen, headquarters of corporation have a better insight to information and operations and can use common procedures, strategies and controlling tools at global range.
Functions of integration in iScala Epicor ERP are enable configuring business processes and connection with external and internal supplying chain in aim to provide trade transparency and automatization. Thanks to that operation costs are decreased, goods and commodity turnover time is shorter and access to information about market supply and demand is provided and additionally that all is helpful in making well-aimed business decisions.
Wide range of iScala Epicor ERP software functionality, from customers’ management source through production stage source to post-sell service, is enable fast implementation and automatization of key line of business processes, at any corner of the world.