The L-Systems company specializes in implementing business IT systems. We are a partner of global leaders such as: IFS, Epicor, JDA, QlikTech and we implement a full functional range of IT solutions in the field of ERP, BI, MES, WMS, DMS (Suncode) or B2B.
L-Systems is also an authorized partner of the Institute of Logistics and Warehousing. The company employs specialists with over twenty years of experience, thanks to which it ensures the highest quality of services. We closely cooperate with the scientific community, carrying out didactic projects in the field of implementation and application of ERP systems at many universities, MBA studies and over 100 upper secondary schools.
We are co-authors of Virtual Laboratories – a platform for learning logistics at upper secondary level. L-Systems employees are also co-authors of scientific publications, scripts for students of universities and textbooks for teaching logistics for upper secondary schools.
The company implements projects financed from European Union funds.

Robert Pawlak

Adam Gębski
Sales Director

Waldemar Matysiak
Consulting Director

Zbigniew Potocki
Development and Service Department Director
The founder of L-Systems Company. He was graduated in Sociology at Poznań University of Adam Mickiewicz name and he was also graduated in Information Technology at Poznań University of Technology. He is an absolvent of doctor degree studies at Poznań University of Economics and Business. He is a co-author of scripts for students and text- books for learning logistics. The originator and a co-author of Virtual Laboratories, such an environment for learning logistics at post-middle-school level. He has been bounded up with IT business systems industry since 1996. He was a consultant, a project manager at many domestic and foreign projects. Apart from his job activities, he spends his spare time on yachting, playing the guitar and reading belles literature.
He was graduated from Poznań University of Economics and Business. He has been bounded up with IT business systems industry for 24 years. His extensive factual knowledge has been gained by developing sales of integrated IT and business solutions, which have been based on products of companies as follows: Exact, SunSystems, iScala, DCW, Microsoft, Impuls, IBM, Sap, Epicor, Qlik, IFS. Within L-Systems Company he is responsible for sales and cooperation with customers. He is a lover of good music and sci-fi literature.
He is an absolvent of Szczecin University. He was graduated in Information Technology and Econometrics of Economics and Management Science Faculty. He has been bounded up with IT industry since 2003. He assisted at ERP, MES and MWM IT systems implementations, both in Poland and abroad as a consultant, a programmer and a project manager. Privately, he is a lover of mountains hiking, as well during summer time as during winter time. He is a passionate in model-making, too.
A graduate of Computer Science at the Poznan University of Technology. Specialty – Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Management Systems. Since 2002, he has been associated with the IT industry. He participated in several dozen implementations and migrations of ERP systems in several countries. He also implemented MWM and MES class systems. Designer and author of many EDI interfaces. Privately, he is passionate about motorcycles and windsurfing.